Mid-Month EncouragementNews and Updates

Miraculous Announcement and February news at Dei Dox

February is here and we have a long-awaited announcement about Miraculous. Also, news on the ministry! 

We believe there are exciting times ahead for us all! Can you feel it like we can? 

Lord, we pray you would bless and bring a fresh sense of your love to every person reading this email. Give them what they need, and show them today something specific that affirms how you see them. Amen!

Update on “Miraculous”

As you may be aware, for about a year we’ve been working on a series of documentaries about stories that are hard to explain apart from Divine intervention. It’s called “Miraculous”, and around 10 people have volunteered and worked on the project through various stages and iterations. We’ve been holding it until we knew how to properly position the content… and, well… 

It’s time. 

In January we did a week of prayer meetings with the core Miraculous team to make sure we were laying the right foundation before making any big decision. After that week of prayer we felt there was a clear and simple path for how we could launch the first episode of the series. So, that’s where we’re headed. 

Lord willing, the first episode will premiere at the end of February! 

Stay tuned this month for more details, along with a glimpse into us filming final footage for the episode. If you’re willing, pray with us for the final steps – a prayer list is below.

What’s Coming Up?

  • Mid-Month Encouragement – Mid-February we’ll send out our regularly scheduled “Mid-Month Encouragement” email, but this time it should include a video. We’ll be trying a new format. Let us know what you think.
  • Social Media, Rise! – If you follow us on social media you may start to see those accounts becoming active again. They’ll be waking up from hibernation!
  • Private SMS Updates for Donors – For those who are donors to the ministry, next week you should start to receive occasional private SMS/text messages from me with tidbits that we can’t share publicly but do want to share with you, our supporters. We’re calling this the “Dei Dox Focus Group” because your partnership is helping people all over the world see God and focus on him. The SMS updates are of course optional. We hope it is a blessing.
  • Also, 6 new monthly supporters signed up in January, bringing us to 41 monthly donors! And, several of you increased your donation amounts this month! Wow! For a small but growing ministry, this is amazing. Praise God.

Prayer Requests

  • Filming – For filming next week, in the mountains! Safety, inspired creativity from Him, and the right footage to finish a great episode of Miraculous. Pray the Spirit would move in every aspect of the production.
  • Ministries – For the 2-4 ministries that will be joining in the Miraculous launch. That all the final partnership details will come together, and that the Lord will bless them and their communities with the Miraculous episode.
  • Holy Spirit moments – For God to use Miraculous when it comes out. For His glory! This is our biggest prayer request by far. If it’s not for Him and for His glory then we’re not interested. Please use it as a part of your divine poetry, Lord.
  • Monthly Supporters – Pray for God to lay it on the heart of 59 others to sign up for monthly support to the ministry. We’re praying for 100 Monthly Donors total! This is really such a huge help so we can plan and grow in faithful ways.

OK, that’s probably enough for now. It should be an exciting month!

Lord, guide us forward!

God’s stories, for God’s glory!

Brent Gudgel
Executive Director, Dei Dox
A nonprofit ministry of media missionaries
P.S. Below is the link to the partner signup web page if you feel led to make a donation or become a monthly supporter of the ministry.).