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Year-End Praise Report

Hey friends,

A quick praise report – The response has been wonderful to the video I put out earlier this week (link here if you missed it).

  • In the video I shared a need for a car to be donated, and a car has been donated! Wow!
  • In the video I also shared how we’re praying for 100 monthly supporters. Well, we started the week with 25 monthly supporters… and now we’re at 35! Yes, 10 new supporters signed up so far this week!

Amazing. Praise God! Thank you to our 35 monthly partners! You’re a part of the foundation for wherever God is taking this ministry, to proclaim His stories to the world.

(And, for those that still want to support this work before year-end, you can become a partner here.)

I’m personally very excited for this new year not only at Dei Dox but for us all. Though it may feel that the world around is getting crazier everyday, I do believe that like it says in Psalm 37:

The godly ones will have a peaceful, prosperous future with a happy ending. Every evil sinner will be destroyed, obliterated. They’ll be utter failures with no future! But the Lord will be the Savior of all who love him. Even in their time of trouble, God will live in them as strength. Because of their faith in him, their daily portion will be a Father’s help and deliverance from evil. This is true for all who turn to hide themselves in him! (Psalm 37: 37-39)

OK, but how? How do we hide ourselves in Him in this coming year? Maybe one answer comes later in the Old Testament:

“This is the word of the Lord to Zerubbabel: ‘Not by strength or by might, but by my Spirit,’ says the Lord of Armies.” (Zecheriah 4:6)

Pray with me: 

Lord, we confess that we try to do things by our own strength and our own doing, in our own strategies. But you reign over all, and you know we want you to reign over our lives. Fill us afresh with your Holy Spirit, and help us to know how to hide ourselves in you as we enter this new year! It’s your work, your love, for your glory.

God is good, and He is at work. 

With Gratitude, 

Brent Gudgel
Executive Director, Dei Dox
God’s stories, God’s glory

P.S. If you’re willing to pray about it, please consider becoming a monthly partner in this next Deidox season, helping lay a foundation for what can get built. Currently we have 35 monthly partners. We’re praying for 100 partners as we move forward. You can sign up here.