News and Updates

A big update about our ministry

Hey friends, Brent from Dei Dox here. I hope and pray you are well, and welcome to November! We are thankful for you sticking with our ministry and want to update you on what has been going on. We have a cool announcement at the end of this email, but first…

There is a question I’ve been thinking about lately: “How have I seen God at work?” If someone asked me this, would I have a story to share?

It strikes me how many times in scripture we see the idea of “remembering what God has done.” I believe this applies to what He did thousands of years ago and I believe it should apply to today as well.

We will continue to tell our children and not hide from the rising generation
the great marvels of our God— his miracles and power that have brought us all this far…
In this way, every generation will set its hope in God and not forget His wonderful works but keep his commandments.
(From the wonderful Psalm 78)

In the above Psalm, how interesting that keeping God’s commandments is in the same sentence as remembering His work. Knowing God’s stories are somehow tied to the ability to be faithful to Him. Why? I believe stories circumvent so much cultural noise and hit our hearts in a special way. God made us to be impacted by stories. And when we share them it impacts others.

So, do we each have a story to share about how God is at work? A story that makes us smile because of His faithfulness?

If you’re willing, may I propose a quick prayer for you to ask God with me…

Lord, I believe you are at work. Would you give me a story to share about how you are at work in our world, today? Help me to see it, praise you for it, and then give me someone to share it with!



As you may know, this entire year has been a time of seeking the Lord and re-envisioning our ministry. October was a wonderfully full month, but instead of blasting you with many details we want to highlight one huge change…

Our website is now very different. Check it out.

After months of prayer, writing, whiteboarding, erasing, listening, and dreaming, we’re ready to start talking about out shifted strategies and focus. It is such a big change that we’re both nervous and excited. Mostly excited. The mission of Dei Dox is still the same but we’ve been shifting the how we take faithful steps towards that mission!

Have a look around to learn more.

Thank you again for being our partners on this journey as we all do our best to be faithful to the Lord on this pilgrimage into the Promised Land!

God’s stories & God’s glory,

Brent Gudgel
Executive Director, DEI DOX

P.S. We’re looking at doing a live webcast at the end of November to give you a preview of the projects we’ve been working, share more about our new vision, and share where we’re headed in 2024. Be on the lookout in the next couple weeks for an email invite to the special event.

P.S. Thank you all so much for your generous partnership this year. I am incredibly grateful for your financial giving, prayers and encouragement as my family and I have transitioned into full-time ministry. As you can probably imagine there are many expenses in running a nonprofit ministry of media missionaries. If you feel led, make a donation today to help us meet the remaining need: