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Deidox ministry update from Brent

Hi friends,

Greetings from Brent at Deidox. I hope and pray you are well, and I can’t believe the year is almost half over. We are thankful for you sticking with our ministry on this journey and want to update you on what’s been going on.

Lately I have been thinking about the limits of who I think God is and what He is capable of. In my heart, are there ways I have settled and am expecting less of God? If so, do I want God to raise my expectations? I have come to believe that in many places my limited expectations towards God have limited my ability to approach Him rightly as a son.

If you’re willing, may I propose a few questions for you to ask God with me…

Lord, where have I put you in a box and settled for less than who you are? Where have I settled for less than what you have made available to me? Would you open my eyes?

You deserve glory, Lord. All the glory.


PREPARE – PARTNER – PATIENCE: Earlier this year, in an update, I mentioned how we felt God was leading us to build a new foundation at Deidox by focusing on 3 things: preparing, partnering, and patience. Here are updates on our work, as told through these three lenses:Miraculous: Over the past several months we have been busy working by faith on three test episodes of our upcoming Miraculous stories podcast (vision video here). As you may recall, with *Free Burma Rangers* we took a Spirit-led risk to make a new style of “Christian” film. Well, we’re now taking a similar risk on a new style of podcast and it feels similarly inspired. After several iterations, we’ve landed on a format/style and it feels very special.
Now, we’ve started the faithful steps into production on Season 1, though it’s very month-to-month. We’re thrilled with what the series could become and pray God lays it on people’s hearts to join us in prayer or support to proclaim the miraculous things the Lord is doing in our world. You can learn more here.

 The Francis Chan Documentary: Story-wise we are still in a period of waiting for the ending, and praying. In the meantime, Jeremiah (Producer) has been working on prepping all the files, transcripts, and edit system organization so that things are fully prepared to move forward.

 Christian Artist Community: The Deidox Artist Community is aiming to reconcile Christian media artists and their role in God’s kingdom. If you are an artist or church leader with a desire to create meaningful art that shows how God is at work in the world, then we want to be here to provide community and opportunities for that purpose. We are currently in a testing and foundation-laying stage. Two first “hubs” are being opened in other cities, and we’ve started to expand our efforts and lessons in how we might bless artists. It feels like we’re on a special path here too. Hopefully more news to come soon.
You may have noticed that all three of our current projects involve taking steps into the unknown. Though the process at points has been very trying – as in painful to our flesh – our Spirits are more alive than ever and there is a fresh excitement for the potential opportunities on the horizon that we haven’t felt in years.

A quick gift for you – Here is a worship playlist that we have curated over the past few months with songs that have encouraged our hearts in this time. Enjoy!

Lastly, I’ve been challenged lately that there are opportunities we can’t pursue yet because we haven’t asked. So, with that in mind would you bear with me while I ask – would you consider becoming a financial supporter to the ministry of Deidox? We as media missionaries are in need of likeminded people who want to help move the mission forward. (Donation info here).

Thank you again for being our travel companions on this pilgrimage into the Promised Land!

God’s stories & God’s glory,

Brent Gudgel
Executive Director, Deidox