Get Involved

A 15-year legacy, re-envisioned – Join us to build something new.

Is God nudging you to help create media for the Kingdom, as missions?

We are praying for the right Partners, Volunteers, Fundraisers, and like-minded Media Missionaries

This year, 2023, was laying a foundation for our new Dei Dox vision, and we believe 2024 will be building a new frame. The new vision is so great (see glimpses, here) that to try to make it happen on our own would be folly. Instead, we are doing our best to force timing, to not strive, but instead to let Him lead in His timing and with those He will also call.

Areas of Opportunity

Artist Partnerships

The Deidox Artist Community exists to reconcile creatives and their role in God’s Kingdom as those who point others to His glory.

Ministry Partnerships

We create in the context of community, not industry. What we create together should support not just one ministry but local churches and the global Church.

Media Productions

We produce media content that give glimpses into how God is at work and will bring Him glory.

A Tech "Platform"

Currently in development, a technology platform that could enable artists and leaders in every church across the globe to release world-class content back into culture, Lord willing.